News archive
Inaugural meeting
12th April 2014
Our inaugural meeting was held on 12th April 2014 and we are grateful to Michele & Malcolm who kindly opened their home to host the meeting. The team making up the committee has been elected and you can find out who's who by clicking here.
The Supreme Campaign 2014
7th February 2015
The Society decided that The Supreme Show in November 2014 would be a great springboard for our Members, their cats and the Society itself. And what a day it was! A campaign does need planning, of course, and our Members were hard at it from September. Georgina entered Kneazle (UK & IGP Santillo Feromeses Mercury) on Exhibition, and covered his pen with Club advertising and literature. She produced 100 leaflets about the Society and the cats we had at the show, and 99 had been passed to interested visitors by the end of the day. To coincide with The Supreme, the Society’s super new member booklet was produced for Members present. And we had super-bling sashes for each cat owned by a Society Member, with the cat’s name in silver against a black sash, and black and silver Society embellished rosettes at each end. They were produced by Alex Jewel, who normally makes horse rosettes, and who bravely stepped up to the plate in providing bling…indeed, she gave me an envelope full of “spare bling” in case any of the “diamonds” fell off!
Mau Space - Issue One December 2014
8th February 2015
The first edition of the Society's magazine is now available to our Members via the Members area.
Mau Space - Issue Two October 2016
27th December 2015
The second edition of the Society's magazine is now available to our Members via the Members area.
5th February 2018
New 'All Breed 'Show structure from June 2018
GCCF has carried out a wide-ranging review of the Show structure, which will affect our breed in the future. The “Any Other Variety” part of the Foreign Section, which has been very large and unwieldy, is being reorganised so that the tabby patterned Foreign breeds - Egyptian Mau, Bengal and Ocicat/Aztec will have their own Grand challenge classes with effect from 1 June 2018. These established breeds will be joined by the Sokoke and Toyger when they have achieved Championship status. The cats from our part of the Section will compete against other “Foreign” breeds for Imperial certificates. Click on the image to the left to view the new structure.
8th October 2017
Our new Mentoring Programme
Our mentoring programme is now available to our members. Please click here for more information.
12th April 2019
Guild Seminar on 28th April 2019
At Loddon Hall Rd, Twyford, Reading RG10 9JA, a seminar featuring the Cornish Rex BAC, Devon Rex BAC, Egyptian Mau BAC, Exotic BAC, LaPerm BAC, Ocicat & Aztec BAC, Selkirk Rex BAC and Sphynx BAC will be held on Sunday 28th April 2019.
Please click here for more information.
Date of notice: 16th July 2020
The 2020 Annual General Meeting of the Egyptian Mau Society will be held on 30th August 2020 at 14:00 hours (2pm)
Due to the continuing challenges caused by Covid-19 and the associated difficulties with holding face-to-face meetings, your committee are proposing to hold this years' AGM via video conference using Zoom conferencing.
If you would like to attend this virtual AGM:
please ensure you have Zoom installed on your device and familiarise yourself with it before the AGM
please let the Society Secretary know that you intend to attend so that the meeting password can be e-mailed to you together with the agenda and any other documents.
Any Member wishing to have an item placed on the Agenda should inform the Society Secretary ideally before the end of July 2020 but not later than 48 hours prior to the advertised date of the AGM.
Any nominations for membership of the Committee require proposing and seconding by eligible persons , together with the written consent of the person so nominated, except existing Committee Members who are agreeable to stand for re-election. These nominations must reach the Society Secretary by no later than 48 hours prior to the advertised date of the AGM. All nominees are to provide a statement of no more than 70 words, explaining their background and what they wish to contribute to the Club if they are elected.
The Society Secretary is Claire Maydon whose email address is